
Sometimes, ZERO can be a very good number!


How much will I owe in taxes this year?  ZERO

How many calories are in that slice of chocolate cake?  ZERO (in my dreams)

How much should I expect to pay Livingstone Insurance Services?  ZERO


“I’m sorry.  I don’t think I heard you correctly.  Can you just give me a ballpark range?”

Absolutely.  Our prices range from a low of ZERO to a high of ZERO.

“I don’t understand.  How is that even possible?  How are you able to provide all those services and still make a profit if you’re not charging me any money?”

That’s an easy question to answer.  We get paid directly by the insurance company if you choose to enroll in a health plan through our agency.  You don’t pay us a single penny.

And not only does it cost you ZERO to partner with LIS, but the premium for your health plan (if there is a premium), will be the same or lower than it would be if you called the insurance company and enrolled directly with them.


“Do you get paid different amounts by the insurance company, depending on the plan I choose?”

Great question!  Yes, we’re compensated higher amounts for some plans than we are for others.  This question gives me the opportunity to share some of my values and priorities.  There are definitely agents out there who will try to steer you toward a specific insurance company or toward one plan and away from others because it means more money in their pockets.

I am NOT one of those agents.  I never let my commissions interfere with my strongly held ethical principles of doing whatever is in the best interest of my client.  Both in my business and in my personal life, I make every effort to live by the motto, “You can have everything in life you want, if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.”  As long as I keep doing the right thing for you, I’m sure it will continue to work out just fine for me, too.     –  Keith Livingstone

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Get A Complimentary Financial Plan

LIS is a one-stop-shop for your HEALTH and your WEALTH.  In addition to helping you with Medicare, our partnership with Charter Financial Group (CFG), brings you expert retirement planning, investment advice, estate planning, coverage for long-term care and more.  

Aaron Gagnier, CFG Vice President, has over 20 years experience as a Registered Investment Advisor.  To get your free bonus, fill out the form below and click on GET STARTED TODAY.  Aaron will email you to set up a free session so that he can personally prepare your financial plan.  No cost.  No obligation.  A free service that we’re happy to provide, just for visiting our website.

Livingstone Insurance Services, LLC
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